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      Benefits of creating an account

      By registering your vehicle on SETF.com, you'll have access to your account anytime from any device, receive vehicle service reminders, review important alerts about your vehicle and more.
      Account Access 24/7 Access
      Account Management Easy Account Management
      Account Service Service Reminders
      Account Alerts Account Alerts

      More than a new look

      We redesigned our website to put everything that matters to you right at your fingertips. Take a moment to see what's new on SETF.com. 
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      Forgot your password?

      Don't worry, we've been there. Now, all you need is your username. It's really that simple. 
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      College grads enjoy major savings

      Take advantage of our $500 College Rebate. 

      Our way to show appreciation

       Military Members may receive a $500 rebate on a new Toyota. 

      Keep your car happy from $49.95

      Get an oil & filter change, tire rotation and multi-point inspection starting at $49.95. 

      Should you buy or lease?

      There is no right or wrong answer. It depends on your life. So, we made a side-by-side comparison to help you make a smart choice.

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